Thursday, May 28, 2009

I should be happy then why I’m not?
Why I’m always like that thinking about a lot of things?
Why do I always think that there is nothing good could happen to me?
Why do I feel that happiness is something for everyone but not me?
Why do I do this to myself?
Why don’t get happy anymore?
I want to feel happy because a lot of good things happening around me
Am I going into a depression?
Have I ever been out of it?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Hamlet is basically a teenage boy. He got all these desires. But he doesn’t have the bottom to reach out for them. So, he goes mad, soliloquising about Ofelia and it ends up so boring that somebody has to kill him.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


We together.
One being.
Flow together like water.
Till I can't tell you from me.
I drink you.
You're my light.
My guide.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friday, May 08, 2009

When we attach ourselves to national identities, then we enter into a cycle of conflict. I didn't choose where I was born or who to be or what people would call me. I'm a hybrid, from a cultural perspective, but I don't think in these terms. I'm more simple than that. I'm a mammal who will live 70 years more or less, who believes in God and likes his life.

Ashraf Barhom


Porque tanto perderse tanto buscarse sin encontrarse
me encierran los muros de todas partes
Barcelona te esta's equivocando no puedes seguir ignorando
que el mundo sea otra cosa y volar como mariposa.
Barcelona hace un calor que me deja
fri'a por dentro con este vicio de vivir mintiendo
que bonito seria tu mar si supiera yo nadar
.Barcelona Y mientras esta' llena de cara de gente extranjera
conocida, desconocida y vuelta a ser transparente
No insisto ma's Barcelona
si no es cosa de tus ritos (o gritos?) tu laberinto extrovertido
.No he encontrado la razo'n porque me duele el corazo'n
porque es tan fuerte que so'lo podre' vivIRTE en la distancia
y escribirte una cancio'n.
Te quiero Barcelona
From the movie Vicky Cristina Barcelona. great movie great music great story just another great movie by Woody Allen