Wednesday, June 21, 2006


most people think that freedom is granted by god when he is born . there is a lot of meanings to freedom. freedom changes from time to time as the person gets older till he die at first days of his life the freedom he is granted is the freedom from the dark womb of his mother and going to the outer world. well I'm was wrong when i said it is granted freedom isn't granted freedom is something you have to fight for to get it like everything in life back to the born baby before he was born he was living in his mother he fights for his freedom so fighting fro freedom isn't something new or that be learned it is something god gave it to us when he created us so freedom will never end as long as human race is going on. after the 2 years of the child is born he fights to another freedom like controlling his peeing and learning how to eat all these things he is fighting to get freedom from his mother he fight so he can have a space to play and enjoy his imaginary world .after that part of his life his fighting for freedom will be on his choose if he is ready to fight for his freedom or not or what kind of freedom he wants and from that his fight level will change .so we have to return to what mother nature taught us and what god created in us the will to fight for or freedom and the mind he gave us to choose which freedom field we should fight for . we should stop thinking that we will get our freedom by being granted by someone we have to fight for it we have to die for it .freedom level is by how you will fight for it.

1 comment:

AZ said...

zomba!!!!!!!!! enta 3amalt blog mn waraya ya wad !!!!!!!!!!!!