Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Fiona APple

This is Fiona Apples video for the song not about love.....
it is really not about love

Friday, October 20, 2006

The Fuck called Home

That is what i have returned to home or so called home realy it isn't home because home is the place you feel secure and comfort and i don't feel them both i feel it is the fuck shit people trying to say it is home i was sent for 3 months to heaven and then returned back to hell. hell yes it is hell with all the meaning of it when you lose the control of your self and find that other people are controling you just because you changed something that is diffrent than them or something that they are infavour for them they just treat you like an alien and have to stay away from them and have to be back alone so why to stay in hell alone it is will be better to stay in heaven alone
I want to be back to my home the place i feel that i'm living the place i feel free doing whatever i want no body telling you what you are doing or trying to make you do things they see it is right
it is realy the fuck they called home

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Whoopee! we're all gonna die.

Gimme an F!

Gimme an U!

Gimme an C!

Gimme an K!

What's that spell ?

What's that spell ?

What's that spell ?
Yeah, come on all of you, big strong men,

Uncle Sam needs your help again.

He's got himself in a terrible jam

Way down yonder in Vietnam

So put down your books and pick up a gun,

We're gonna have a whole lotta fun.

And it's one, two, three,

What are we fighting for ?

Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,

Next stop is Vietnam;

And it's five, six, seven,

Open up the pearly gates,

Well there ain't no time to wonder why,

Whoopee! we're all gonna die.

Well, come on generals,

let's move fast;

Your big chance has come at last.

Gotta go out and get those reds —

The only good commie is the one who's dead

And you know that peace can only be won

When we've blown 'em all to kingdom come.

And it's one, two, three,

What are we fighting for ?

Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,

Next stop is Vietnam;

And it's five, six, seven,

Open up the pearly gates,

Well there ain't no time to wonder why

Whoopee! we're all gonna die.


Well, come on Wall Street, don't move slow,

Why man, this is war au-go-go.

There's plenty good money to be made

By supplying the Army with the tools of the trade,

Just hope and pray that if they drop the bomb,

They drop it on the Viet Cong.

And it's one, two, three,

What are we fighting for ?

Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,

Next stop is Vietnam.

And it's five, six, seven,

Open up the pearly gates,

Well there ain't no time to wonder why

Whoopee! we're all gonna die.

Well, come on mothers throughout the land,

Pack your boys off to Vietnam.

Come on fathers, don't hesitate,

Send 'em off before it's too late.

Be the first one on your block

To have your boy come home in a box.

And it's one, two, three

What are we fighting for ?

Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,

Next stop is Vietnam.

And it's five, six, seven,

Open up the pearly gates,

Well there ain't no time to wonder why,

Whoopee! we're all gonna die.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

i miss you

I miss egypt tonight after almost a month from traveling i began to miss egypt tonight i was searching for an egyptian station negoom fm to listen to i thought i will make me feel better i didn't find it online and couldn't play it so i was so upset then i found an arabic radio to listen to i began to listen and after 2 song i began to remember cairo nights and alexandria when i used to open the radio and stand in the balcony smoking my night cigrate so that my family don't notice like a little kid stealing cookies from the kitchen i realy miss egypt and it's night and how people like to live every hour of the day and the night i miss my friends and how we used to sit in the 2hwa talking about everything and smoking elshisha and talking about who done what and who is going out with who makeing jokes and playing cards i miss when we used to hang out with each other in one of ours friend car and watching people going by and smoking then running to home early coz one of our friends parent have the 11 clock rule i miss sitting on the sea watching the fisher men i miss my old life my normal one i was counting the time that is passed now i'm counting the time left i wish that i can come back victorius not just comeing back wa bas

Sunday, July 16, 2006

first message from durham

You live in the same world as I do
But somehow I never noticed
You before today
I'm ashamed to say
Beautiful people
We share the same back door
And it isn't rightWe never met before
But then
We may never meet again
If I weren't afraid you'd laugh at me
I would run and take all your hands
And I'd gather everyone together for a day
And when we gather'd
I'll pass buttons out that say
Beautiful people
Then you'd never have to be alone
'Cause there'll always be someone
With the same button on as you
Include him in everything you do.
Beautiful people
You ride the same subway
As I do ev'ry morning
That's got to tell you something
We've got so much in common
I go the same direction that you do
So if you take care of me
Maybe I'll take care of you
Beautiful people
You look like friends of mine
And it's about time
That someone said it here and now
I make a vow that some time, somehow
I'll have a meeting
Invite ev'ryone you know
I'll pass out buttons to
The ones who come to show
Beautiful people
Never have to be alone
'Cause there'll always be someone
With the same button on as you
Include him in ev'rything you do
He may be sitting right next to you
He may be beautiful people too
And if you take care of him
Maybe I'll take care of you
And if you take care of him
Maybe I'll take care of you...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


most people think that freedom is granted by god when he is born . there is a lot of meanings to freedom. freedom changes from time to time as the person gets older till he die at first days of his life the freedom he is granted is the freedom from the dark womb of his mother and going to the outer world. well I'm was wrong when i said it is granted freedom isn't granted freedom is something you have to fight for to get it like everything in life back to the born baby before he was born he was living in his mother he fights for his freedom so fighting fro freedom isn't something new or that be learned it is something god gave it to us when he created us so freedom will never end as long as human race is going on. after the 2 years of the child is born he fights to another freedom like controlling his peeing and learning how to eat all these things he is fighting to get freedom from his mother he fight so he can have a space to play and enjoy his imaginary world .after that part of his life his fighting for freedom will be on his choose if he is ready to fight for his freedom or not or what kind of freedom he wants and from that his fight level will change .so we have to return to what mother nature taught us and what god created in us the will to fight for or freedom and the mind he gave us to choose which freedom field we should fight for . we should stop thinking that we will get our freedom by being granted by someone we have to fight for it we have to die for it .freedom level is by how you will fight for it.

Monday, June 12, 2006

message to save human race from there selfs

one of the stupidest thing in human nature is that they think they are the center of the world and every thing is going around them not they are just people living and they surrounded by people they can lose every thing they have just thinking tat they can own the world and do whatever they want whatever they want to whoever they want and the rest of the world have to accept them as they whatever they do and they never think of over reaction.
other stupid think in human is that they hate things to be done to them although they do it to everyone they just keep on talking about how they hate hurting people feelings and hate things people doing but eventually if they looked to themselves in the mirror they will see how ugly evil human can be and how he is doing they all the wrong thing he hates and just if somebody repay him back the same way he attack he gets angry and violent just coz they think that they have the right to get angry others don't .
sorry to say that but humans sucks humanity is one of the stupidest concept that people live in living in an animal rule will be much more better than living with stupid humans don't understand that they are losing every thing just because they don't like things in the hole picture like you just don't like the font script in the movie you just go to the movie because of the font the names written in just looking at a part of the picture not the hole picture i'm sorry these will lose everything lose people they are living with people they think they love or have care about people that cares about them they will just thinking they can live alone in the big world unfortunately they can't coz we human live together no one can live alone with not acting with other people .humanity race is going down people save it

Sunday, June 11, 2006

احدثكم من تحت الماء

ةسنعود الي لابث مره اخرى ان شاء الله و هذه المره سنبث من تحت الماء لان الجو حر و رطوبه فلازم نبث من حته طراوه عشان نشعشع و نقول احلى كلام
مراسلكم من حته طراوه تحت الماء
فتح أقرب كتاب اليك , على الصفحة 18 , سطر 4
مرحب ربيع مرحب ربيع مرحبه

مد ذراعك اليسرى قدر ماتستطيع
mafish 7aga

ما اّخر ماشاهدته على التلفزيون

بدون أن تسترق النظر , تكهن كم الساعة
12 belal

والاّن ..كم الساعة فعلا

باستثناء صوت الكمبيوتر .. أي صوت تسمع؟
اmusic from cafe delmar

متى خرجت من المنزل للمرة الأخيرة ؟ ماذا كنت تفعل؟
el2hwa watching match bet3 germany

قبل مباشرتك هذه الأسئلة أي موقع كنت تتصفح؟

ماذا ترتدي الاّن؟s
short wa tshirt

هل حلمت ليلة أمس؟
i didn't kont so tired

متى اّخر مرة ضحكت؟
mesh faker :D

ماذا فوق جدران الغرفة حيث تجلس؟

هل لاحظت شيئا غريبا مؤخرا؟

مارأيك في هذا الاختبار؟
mesh 3arflo lazma

مااّخر فيلم شاهدته؟
rock star

اذا أصبحت فاحش الثراء فماذا تشتري؟
big land by the sea wa a3ml feha a big house wa a3ml a small music studio in it to play music in it wa mesh 3aref eh tani :d

أخبرني شيئا أجهله عنك
mesh 3aref :D

اذا كان بامكانك تغيير شيء واحد في العالم بغض النظر عن المعاصي والسياسة فماذا تختار؟ا
Wars (dah 3ala asas 2ni peace lover )

لو كان وليدك الأول فتاة فماذا تسميها؟

لو كان وليدك الأول صبيا فماذا تسميه؟

هل تفكر يوما في العيش بالخارج؟
yes south italy or france

ماذا تتصور أن يقول لك الله عندما تقف بين يديه ؟
ra7mtek ya rab

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

And I love her

this song made my day mesh momken the beatles will kill me like that this song is great not just the words the music this simple guitar of johnny playing on it and the soft drums that just make you love :D
here the words go like so

Saturday, April 22, 2006

بعد ما

بعد ما عودنا عليهم
راحوا و تركونا فالحال
نسيوا اللي كان بيداويهم
جرحنا و جرحوا الموال

Saturday, April 15, 2006

كل الي حب اتنصف

كل الي حب اتنصف و انا لوحدي شكيت
حتى الي روحت اشتكيلوا قال لي ليه حبيت
لا شكوا نفعت و لا قلب الحبيب رضي
احترت والله و احتار دليللي يا ناس
محمد عبدالوهاب


لا اعلم لماذا فعلت هذا لكنني خلعت ملابسي و وقفت رافعا ذراعي الى الهواء و هو يمر بي أكني فراغ و الشمس تحرق ظهري. يمكن اني اريد حرية او الشعور بالحياه فانا ميت منذ زمن و اريد ان استعيد حياتي و سعادتي بالحياه فانا ميت من زمن اريد ان استعيد حياتي و سعادتي بالحياه التي افتقدها. او يمكن اريد ان استعيد شعوري اني انسان بمنظر البحر الهادئ و صبر الصيادين و قوة الهواء و شموخ الشمس و رقه السماء أو يمكن اني افتقد هذه المشاعر و اريد ان اكتسبها من الطبيعه

Friday, April 14, 2006

ليت لي

ليت لي امراة احبها و اضع ذراعي حولها و نحن نتمشى على صخور البحر ولا نبالي لأحد ولا أعيون الناس مجرد انا و هي على البحر لا نتكلم لكن نفهم و نعلم كل الكلام الذى سيقال مجرد جالسين نستمع الى صوت الامواج و هى تصدم بالصخور ولا نشعور الا بالماء المالح في اقدمنا الحافيتان ولا و لكن نشعر ايضا بالحب بيننا. أني احسد كل اثنان جالسين على البحر يتكلمون بكلام الحب و يشعرون به. ليت تتاح لي هذه الفرصه

يا سلام

ما اجمل الجلوس وسط الحديقة و سماع تغريد العصافير وانت جالس معك السيجارة و كوب القهوه الذي اعدته خصيصا للاستمتاع به وسط الجمال الرباني الذي حولك من الخضره و الزهور و زقزقة العصافير بدون زحام السيارات و ابواق الاتوبيسات و و زلازل الترام . جالس امامك الفيلل و السفارات و لا اكنك جالس في جاردن سيتي. حديقة ألنبي في كفر عبده ميهمكش اسم المكان لكنه جاردن سيتي الاسكندرية حيث الهدوء و الجمال المعماري الممزوج بين كل عصور مصر الحديثة .من ايام الانجليز الى الفيلات الاوتوماتك . ما اجمل الهدوء الذي يجعلك تفكر و تريح اعصابك و انت جالس و الاجنبيات بالشعر الذهبي تمر من امامك ليتني اعيش في هذة الحديقه مع اني اسكن بالقريب منها الا اخر مره امر بها كان يوم غريب به تجربة جميله و مخيفة. يجب ان اعود الى حياتي العاديه لأباشر حياتي مع التوقف بالاستمتاع بالجمال الذي انا فيه

Monday, April 03, 2006

يا هل ترى

يا هل ترى حغني وحيات قلبي بتعيت عبد الحليم ولا حغني كلوا راح راح رااااااااااااااح

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


اسوا احساس لدى الانسان هو الشعوره بانه منبوذ و ليس له اي اهميه لوجوده
وجوده عن عدمه مش فارق مع الي حوليه
أكنوا كتله هولاميه متحركه و ان عدم وجدها يكون احسن
ربنى يبعدكوا عن هذا الاحساس
و خليكوا مع اجمل احساس فالكون بتعة الست اليسا

Thursday, March 23, 2006


في الجمسينيات القرن الي فات حصل اتحاد بين مصر و سوريا و سموها الجمهريه العربيه المتحده
(في أوائل القرن الي احنى فيه حيصل اتحاد تاني بس حيسموه (تركة أبونا و أنت مالك
رجعتوني أتكلم فالسياسه تاني يالي فبالي :D

Saturday, March 11, 2006

لو حبيت أوعى تخبي
دريد لحام

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

لحظات هبل

حاليا انا في لحظات هبل
اريد ان ادمر و اكسر كل شئ لست راضي عن اي شئ كل شئ
لا أطيق صوت الناس لا استحمل كلامهم ششش مش عايز اسمع صوت غير صوتي
مش عايز اشوف حد يمكن مش عيز اشوف اي حاجة كمان اريد ان ارى بياض كل شئ ابيض ناصع البياض زي الأعلانات
مش دي برضوا لحظت هبل ولا انا مش واخد بالي

Saturday, February 18, 2006

حاجة حصلت

امبارح معرفش حصل ايه المهم ان حصل حاجه اية هي معرفش كل الي اعرفوا ان في حاجة حصلت
معرفش اذا كنت انا موجود في وقت مالحصل حصل ولا كنت في غيبوبة كالعادة
بس اهم حاجة ان احنى متفقين علي ان حاجة حصلت
اي ان كانت ايه هي مهمه كانت فين وليه حصلت المهم انها حصلت
حصلت و انا اعد زهئان مش لأي اي حاجة اعملها

Thursday, February 09, 2006

thank god

thank god the first slap i returned to her was today
i made her know that she is nothing she is just a small creature that i can crash her
and still there will be more slaps i will make her cry for what ever she have done to me
and yes i don't love you anymore i don't care about you and i hope you will suffer more and more till you can't stand anymore and you will be sorry

now i can sleep happily for the first time i knew you

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

وحيات امي منا عارف

وحيات امي مش عارف اه بيحصل هو انا لسه .... دي تبئه كارسه
مش عارف اعمل ايه اتصرف ازاي
هو مفيش حال غير اني انسه و احوال اكرهه بالعفيه

Thursday, January 19, 2006


كلمتين لجهين أرتهم علي البحر وسمعتهم من منير و تعبوا دمغي و قلبي
ايديا في جيوبي و قلبي طرب
سارح في غربة بس مش مغترب
وحدي لكين ونسان و ماشي كده
وبابتعد ... مااعرفش... او باقترب ... عجبي

Sunday, January 15, 2006

اصطبحنا و صبح الملك لالله

اول مره اكتب واول مره اقول حاجه هنا فلزم اصبح وامسي على الناس الحلوين الاعدين و مستربعين
و اقول أصطبحنا و صبح الملك لالله
و يلا من هنا عشان حنروش مية